Council motion

Published on 15 November 2023

Logo on teal background

At the Statutory Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 14 November 2023, Council resolved to admit an item of urgent business to respond to the recent tragic accident at The Royal Daylesford Hotel.

That Council

1. Acknowledges the incident that occurred on Sunday 5 November in Daylesford and extends our condolences to the family and friends of the five people who tragically lost their lives.

2. Thanks all those members of our community and beyond who came to aid those who were injured in the accident. We are grateful to, and proud of, those first responders including members of Victoria Police, CFA, SES, ambulance officers, Council workers and those members of the broader community who gave assistance to those injured.

3. Thanks Council emergency management staff, communications team, and works team for their exemplary efforts on the night and in the week that followed in undertaking their responsibilities so diligently in the aftermath of the tragedy.

4. Understands that many in our community and beyond have been deeply impacted by the events and encourages them to seek out the support that is available through the Daylesford Interagency Response Group and Central Highlands Rural Health.

5. Thanks Central Highlands Rural Health for the timely provision of expert counselling services and thanks the volunteers who have made themselves available.

6. Values the way our community has honored and acknowledged those whose lives have been lost.

7. Notes that the Hepburn Shire community was also impacted by a road fatality outside Clunes on 4 November and offers our condolences to the family and friends of the man who lost his life and extends our thanks to first responders, who included some of the same individuals who assisted in Daylesford on 5 November.

8. Recognises that the resilience of our Hepburn Shire community has been tested over the last two years with a series of natural disasters and tragic accidents and reassures our community that Council will continue to provide emergency management planning and recovery services in conjunction with our external partners.

The motion was supported unanimously by all Councillors.