Public participation

Council actively encourages community participation and provides 30 minutes at each scheduled meeting for the following:

  • petitions to be tabled by Councillors and Officers
  • responding to questions that have been submitted by community members
  • members of the community to address Council.

How do I submit a Question to Council?

To submit a question to Council, please use the Participate in a Council Meeting form. Forms can be submitted at any Council Customer Service Centre or by emailing, with the words ‘Public Question’ in the subject line, by 10:00am the day prior to the Ordinary Meeting of Council.

If submitting a question, it is important to remember:

  • Two questions per person, per meeting may be submitted.
  • If the question has multiple parts, each will be treated as a separate question.
  • A question may include an introduction of no more than 200 words.
  • You must include an address with your submission. Your address will not be published.
  • Each meeting is allocated a maximum of up to 30 minutes for Public Participation Time.
  • If you would like to read your question, you will need to be present in person. If you are not present, your question will be read by the CEO.
  • A time limit of three minutes for each question will apply, however this time may be extended at the discretion of the Chairperson.
  • Under Hepburn Shire's Governance Rules 2022, Council will not accept questions related to Statutory Planning applications. 

How do I submit a Request to Address Council?

If you would like to address Council, please use the Participate in a Council Meeting form below. If you submit your request via email, you must provide a brief synopsis of your address in writing to the Chief Executive Officer via by 10am the day before the scheduled Meeting of Council.

A time limit of three minutes for each address will apply but the time may be extended at the discretion of the Chairperson. Additional time and support can be provided for people with a disability or who are a non-native speaker of English.

You may address Council virtually, or in person. Please indicate in your request whether you will attend the meeting either in person or virtually. 

As of 20 August 2024, meetings will be held in person at the Council Chamber at 24 Vincent Street, Daylesford. Meetings are also livestreamed to Council's Facebook page.

Participate in a Council Meeting

Presenting a Petition to Council

Petitions are one of the ways the community can ensure their views are heard by Council. To ensure your petition is valid and can be accepted, Council’s Governance Rules 2022 must be adhered to.

Petitions can be submitted to any Customer Service Centre or electronically via

A petition must:

a) be in legible and permanent writing (other than pencil);
b) not be defamatory, indecent, abusive or objectional in language and content;
c) not relate to matters beyond the powers of Council;
d) bear the wording of the whole of the petition or request upon each page of the petition;
e) include the name, phone number or email address, township or suburb, and signatures of petitioners;
f) consist of single pages of paper and must not be pasted, stapled, pinned or otherwise affixed to any other piece of paper; and
g) the petition or joint letter must nominate a person to whom a reply must be sent to. If no person is nominated or is the obvious contact person, Council may reply to the first signatory which appears on the petition.

How should a petition look?

A petition which does not meet the conditions is not valid and may not be accepted by Council. If you are concerned about your petition not being accepted, a Petition Template(DOCX, 92KB) is available for you to use.

What happens to the petition?

If the petition meets the requirements above, it will be presented at the next scheduled Ordinary Meeting of Council. 

If the petition relates to an operational matter, Council must refer it to the Chief Executive Officer for consideration.

Council may resolve to receive the petition and refer the matter for a report or appropriate action as required to the next appropriate Council Meeting, unless Council agrees to deal with it earlier.

What does a petition not do?

A petition relating to a Planning permit application does not constitute an objection. Objections must be lodged separately with Council’s Planning Department.

Where can the regulations on petitions be found?

Hepburn Shire Council's Governance Rules and Election Period Policy(PDF, 744KB)Division 9, outlines requirements for petitions and joint letters.