Face to Face in the paddock, field day - soil moisture

Paddock and rainbow.jpg

The location of the field day is on a property near Monegeetta. The focus of this evening will be how to increase soil moisture by using the contours on your property. This property has also fenced the waterway/riparian zone in a novel way to have the fence more resilient to flood damage. Everyone is welcome to come along and learn from each other and discuss how your property is progressing thru the season. Topics covered at past events have varied from fencing techniques and equipment, tree planting, water infrastructure, animal and breeding choices, weed management and the list continues.

Book Now


  • Friday, 24 November 2023 | 07:00 PM - 08:30 PM


Once registered, the property address will be sent to you prior to the event. Be aware this is an outside event, so make sure you wear appropriate clothing and footwear, and a minor level of fitness and mobility is required.